About Lynne

Hi! I am Lynne Piper (they/them), an artist and facilitator, offering peer support for people going through transformative processes.

Psychedelic Integration Coaching and facilitation

For those working with psychedelic medicines, or who are navigating personal transformations and life transitions.

My approach is practical, embodied, and consent-forward. Together we explore how the insights you’re gaining and challenges you’re facing might be transformed and integrated into your daily life and relationships. I offer a tender, creative and playful container to find and practice what works for you in your current life circumstances.

Here are some questions we might consider while working together

  • What area(s) of your life are in a process of changing right now?
  • What is your current support system?  (ie. family, friends, partnerships, animals, stable housing, stable income, etc.) 
  • What skills are you relying on to navigate these changes? 
  • Are there beliefs or patterns you’re holding onto? What are they? How do they serve you? What does it feel like to hold on? 
  • What is your relationship to loss, letting go or surrender?
  • What support do you need to ask for or cultivate to honor your truth as it unfolds? (ie. deepening relationships to land, community, ancestors, self)
  • How can I support you in embodying your inner truth as you navigate changes? 
  • What practices or skills will help you develop trust in your intuition/inner healer/guide? 
Group Facilitation

 I co-facilitate Monthly Deep Wisdom Integration Circles, and host community potlucks and healing/arts events at the heart center. 

These events are co-created by who comes and how we show up. The integration circles especially over time have shown me that we all have deep wisdom that could benefit someone else, even as we navigate our personal challenges. It is beautiful and powerful getting to see our own wisdom come forward in service to each other. As facilitator I do not hold the role of teacher or expert, but rather collaborator, witness and host.

See events page for upcoming group offerings!

Free weekly group meditation

I lead a weekly guided meditation practice, the 7 Homecomings from Lama Rod Owens. A deeply supportive tantric visualization practice. See events page for details


Background and Lineages

  •  Completed the 4-year Blue Iris Mystery School training with Colette Gardiner. 5 additional years of training, teaching assisting, ritual planning. This is a tradition of western Witchcraft, influenced by queer community, feminism, and pagan earth-based spiritual practices. 2010-2019      https://goldenwebmysteryschool.com/
  • Completed the one-year Vital Psychedelic Therapy and Integration program in 2023 from Psychedelics Today.  https://www.vitalpsychedelictraining.com/
  • Received certification in 2023 to teach the 7 Homecomings, a tantric meditation practice from Lama Rod Owens.      https://www.lamarod.com/
  • Completed Like a Pro Wheel of Consent training with Dr Betty Martin in 2023.  https://bettymartin.org/professionals/pro/


 My Values

I personally long for the healing that is made possible in community contexts, and through shared care practices. I bring to my coaching and group facilitation work curiosity, compassion and inspiration to practice and create new possibilities together. I feel that our healing is deeply interconnected, and that the personal and collective are intertwined. It is truly an honor to be trusted and to bear witness to others on their journeys, as we all navigate the complexities and challenges of being human.

Learning and sharing skills that honor our embodied agency and consent are main components of my personal and professional practice. I’m committed to deep listening, and to offering my voice and creativity in service to our shared liberation.


Why Psychedelics?

Our species has a long history of working with various plants, fungi and chemical compounds in consciousness expanding and mind altering ways.

These medicines can be powerful allies in our lives. For spiritual and ceremonial purposes, for honing our  relationships to our natural environments and each other, for joy and connection, healing and learning.

I have deep respect for these medicines. My experience has been that they can offer opportunities to witness ourselves, our minds and patterns that we generally don’t have access to. They can connect us to our inner guide, and help us soften rigid patterns of thinking and behaving.

Because these substances can be so powerful, the context and our mindsets have a huge impact on our experiences. Harm reduction and education are very important to me in navigating this cultural moment in psychedelics. It can get pretty wild out there, and it’s helpful to have support and grounding if you are called to journey with these medicines.

When in an environment that is safe, warm and tended to with care, even a scary or unsettling moment could unearth important information and insight. With preparation, intention setting and integration support, these experiences and insights can be truly life changing and profound.  



My identities include white, Canadian, English, Caribbean, non-binary, polyamorous, queer, witch, psychonaut, and parent. I study, practice, and teach Tantric and other Buddhist teachings. 

Navigating the inherent power dynamics that arise in diverse spaces within our white supremacist, capitalist, patriarchal culture is very important to me. Witnessing and transforming harmful behavior within and around me is a core value that I work to show up for with sustained patience and courage. 

My commitment to clients and community is to welcome feedback, to cultivate the capacity to hear it, to honor the experiences of those I may harm, and to be available for repair. 

Art and Music

I love to feel into mystery through improvised vocal sound journeys, song writing and ongoing collaborations with other artists across mediums. Active collaborators include Portland-based dance company ProLab Dance https://prolabdance.com/, and Toronto-based Space for Grief, an award-winning public art installation that explores community bonding and healing through grief. https://www.spaceforgrief.com/

Past musical collaborations and solo recordings https://future-pastrecords.bandcamp.com

Interested in working together? Contact me to schedule a consultation!

Self Portrait
Self Portait of Lynne Piper, camera angled up, with madrone treetops against a blue sky behind them.

Get in Touch!

Your interests?
Where Can I Reach You?
How did you hear about the Heart Center, and where are you located? Please share a bit about yourself and why you are reaching out.